Medical Second Opinion
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Orthopaedic Second Opinion – MRI/X-Ray Review

Medical Second

If you do not stay in vicinity of Amritsar, you can still get a medical second opinion from Dr. Inderdeep Singh (Dr.IDee). Although the best form of treatment can only be offered after getting complete patient’s history, clinical examination and co-relating those with investigations. Dr. IDee can provide orthopaedic second opinion by reviewing your records, MRI (preferably images) and X-rays.
How can second opinion be helpful for patient?
Dr. IDee can give an insight on your problems after reviewing your case history, MRIs and/or X-rays.
– Additional knowledge about your diagnosis
– Additional knowledge about treatment options
With all this information, one can know about his/her problems and then can actually compare the current treatment and advised treatment option. Subsequently, patient can choose the treatment protocol. Also Dr. IDee can validate existing diagnosis or may offer different approach for the same diagnosis.
PS: This second opinion service will not be done to find faults with treating doctor or previous treatment. Kindly don’t ask for it.
How to get an MRI/X-Ray review from Dr. Inderdeep Singh?
Information and communication about the patient’s condition are vital for a doctor to understand his/her problem so that one can plan the treatment as per convenience. Obtaining a second opinion is a normal with shoulder, knee, sports&ligament injuries and other orthopaedic conditions. One can be honest with his/her treating doctor that it’s your interest in understanding and seeking additional knowledge about your diagnosis and treatment options.
To seek a second opinion, you can e-mail / WhatsApp your medical records, blood investigations (if any), X-rays, MRI reports along with images. These items will provide him better understanding and details of your injury. Once you have submitted the required materials, please allow one to two weeks for image review processing and follow-up.
Fee and charges:
Dr. IDee’s fee for an MRI/X-Ray Review is Rs. 1000/-(INR). Fee can be transferred via Google pay on the number +91 7837676232 or on the following bank account
Account number: 918010068311073
Bank name& branch: Axis bank, Lawrence Road, Amritsar.143001
IFS code: UTIB0001815